Floating Crystalwort

Other Common Names:

(Ricca fluitans)


Floating crystalwort forms green mats under or on the water’s surface. The stem and leaves all look the same with forked branches.


Light to medium green, floating crystalwort forms tangled mats under the water or on the surface.

The stem and leaves all look the same with forked branches. They are thick and less than eight-hundredths of an inch wide, branching at the tips.

Floating crystalwort has thin colorless roots that help anchor it in the mud, but they aren’t truly functional.


Floating crystalwort grows in slow moving streams or ponds and turbid water. It is a type of liverwort, and liverworts are often recognized for their fragrant oils stored in special organelles.


Floating crystalwort can be found across the United States.

