Water Stargrass
Other Common Names: grassleaf mudplantain
(Heteranthera dubia)
Water stargrass has thin green leaves and small, yellow, star shaped flowers.
This grass like herb is mostly submersed. Slender stems branch from nodes in the roots. Water stargrass has alternately arranged leaves that are ribbon like and connected to the stem in a sheath. Leaves are bright to dark green, elongated, and can grow to six inches in length. Flowers emerge from the water’s surface. These small yellow star-shaped flowers have five narrow petals about a half-inch long each.
Water stargrass grows in streams, canals, and quiet waters. It can be consumed by ducks, but it is not an important food source.
Management Options
Click here for more information on how to control water stargrass.
Water stargrass can be found across most of the United States.
Management Options
Click here for more information on how to control water stargrass.