Other Common Names:
(Imperata cylindrica)
The narrow leaves of cogongrass grow directly from the rhizomes; they are light green when young and turn orange to brown as they age.
The vast rhizomes of cogongrass can be as much as four feet underground, but most stay within the top six inches of the soil. Leaves grow directly from the rhizomes; young leaves are light green and turn orange to brown as they age. The narrow leaves are one half to three-fourths of an inch wide and can be one to four feet long, growing right from the ground. Leaves grow in bunches that vary in closeness, and they have an off-center midrib that is white and noticeable. Very small seeds are mostly found in the spring and are attached to the fluffy white fruit that are narrower than the brown flower clusters on cattails.
Management Options
Click here for more information on how to control cogongrass.
Cogongrass can be found in Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Virginia.
stem fragments, roots
Management Options
Click here for more information on how to control cogongrass.