Yellow Flag

Other Common Names: yellow iris

(Iris pseudacorus)


Yellow flag has tall leaves, three to four feet, that arch at the upper parts and come to a point. Yellow flowers are big and showy, with many on each stem.


Yellow flag has tall leaves, three to four feet, that arch at the upper parts. Leaves grow in a fan from the earth and are flattened with a raised midrib. They come to a fine point.

Yellow flowers are big and showy, three to four feet tall. There are many flowers on each upright stem. Flowers have three small petals, six large petals, and three sepals pointing down that have brownish purple veins.

The fruit, a seed pod, is green in color, one and a half to three inches long, cylinder shaped, and contains many seeds.


Yellow flag can be found across most of the United States, except for a few southern and central states.


seeds, rhizomes