Water Spinach

Water spinach in large group covering water.

Water spinach is a trailing vine with milky sap. Alternate leaves are usually arrow head shaped and grow to seven inches long with pointed tips.

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Spotted Water Hemlock

Spotted water hemlock in a forest.

Clusters of tiny white flowers grow atop this poisonous plant. Spotted water hemlock grows two to six feet tall and has compound leaves.

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Smooth Waterhyssop

Close up of smooth waterhyssop flowers and leaves.

Smooth waterhyssop has many branches with bright green leaves that are succulent and thick. Small white flowers can be tinged with blue or pink.

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Pennsylvania Smartweed

Pennsylvania smartweed close up growing in a field.

Pennsylvania smartweed has sword shaped leaves and small flowers that grow in clusters at the ends of branches. Flowers are rose to white in color.

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Marshpepper Smartweed

Close up of marshpepper smartweed flowers in a small group.

Marshpepper smartweed has dark green sword shaped leaves and flower spikes that droop. The tiny flowers are spaced out and typically green to white.

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Reed Canarygrass

Reed canarygrass in a field.

Reed canarygrass has tall round stems with alternate leaves that are tapered. Straw colored seed heads grow at the tops of the stems.

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Mud Plantain

Mud plantain in the water.

Mud plantain’s stems and leaves emerge; leaves are sword or egg shaped and leathery. Flowers have five thin petals and are usually purplish blue.

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Marsh Dewflower

Close up of marsh dewflower.

Marsh dewflower has round stems, lance shaped leaves, and flowers with three petals that are pinkish purple on the edges and white in the center.

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Flowering Rush

Flowering rush flowers, some buds, some open, some spent on a single plant.

Flowering rush can be submersed or emersed and has round stems that can grow up to four feet tall. Clusters of pink flowers grow on a single stalk.

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Blue Waterleaf

Blue waterleaf flowers and buds.

Blue waterleaf has thick stems that grow up to three feet tall and have spines on them. Bright blue to purple flowers have five petals. Leaves are pointy.

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Blue Flag

Blue flag at water's edge with bridge in background.

Blue flag has long narrow green leaves that arch and show blue or indigo flowers.

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Asian Marshweed

Asian marshweed with one flower starting to bloom.

Asian marshweed has frilly submersed leaves, oval emersed leaves, and small lavender flowers with an upper lip.

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Aquatic Forget Me Not

Aquatic forget me not large cluster with flowers.

Aquatic forget me not has lance shaped leaves and pale blue flowers that have five petals each and a yellow center.

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American Water Willow

American water willow growing in a line in a lake.

American water willow has round stems and alternate sword shaped leaves. Flowers have four petals that are violet or white; the bottom one has pink spots.

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Pickerelweed in group in water with flowers

Pickerelweed has elongated heart shaped leaves with violet blue flowers.

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Phragmites in large clusters in water

Phragmites have round, hollow stems with a seed head at the end of the stem.

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Watershield leaves in hand close up

Watershield’s floating leaves are smaller than lilies, green on the top and brown and slimy on the bottom; flowers are typically brownish.

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