Willow Moss
Willow moss and mini willow moss have branched stems and sword shaped dark green leaves that grow from three sides of the stems.
Read MoreLeafy Pondweed
Leafy pondweed has thread like branching stems. Submersed leaves are green to bronze, thin, and linear. Brown flowers grow in clusters.
Read MoreHorned Pondweed
Horned pondweed roots, stems, and leaves are all long and thread like. It has tiny single flowers in May or June. The seeds are horn shaped.
Read MoreWaterthread Pondweed
Waterthread pondweed’s stems are thread like. Submersed leaves are thin and straight. Floating leaves are leathery with a rounded base.
Read MoreVariable Leaf Pondweed
Variable leaf pondweed’s submersed pointy leaves grow more than five inches long. Floating leaves can be almost three inches long with longer leaf stalks.
Read MoreRibbonleaf Pondweed
Ribbonleaf pondweed’s submersed leaves are floppy and bright green to reddish. They grow two to 10 inches long and nearly a half inch wide.
Read MoreWidgeon Grass
Widgeon grass has thin branched stems and sharp pointed leaves that are thread like. Flower spikes can emerge slightly and are brown to yellow.
Read MoreVariable Leaf Watermilfoil
Variable leaf watermilfoil has thick reddish stems and can have submersed and emersed leaves that are feathery, limp, and deeply divided.
Read MoreQuillworts
Quillwort leaves are quill like and grow from one central stand in swampy areas. Leaves are arranged in a spiral.
Read MoreIndian Swampweed
Indian swampweed has compound leaves with opposite leaflets that can be emersed or submersed and are broader at the tip. This plant is uncommon.
Read MoreDuck Lettuce
Young duck lettuce leaves are linear and become oblong, oval, or heart shaped as they mature. Some flowers stand above the surface with white petals.
Read MoreBrittle Naiad
Brittle naiad has dark green leaves with serrated edges. Leaves grow two-tenths of an inch long. Flowers can grow to three-fourths of an inch.
Read MoreFlowering Rush
Flowering rush can be submersed or emersed and has round stems that can grow up to four feet tall. Clusters of pink flowers grow on a single stalk.
Read MoreNitella
Nitellas are multicellular branched algae that look like other green submersed plants or Chara.
Read MoreSmall Pondweed
Small pondweed produces only submersed leaves that are light green and nearly three inches long and less than a quarter inch wide.
Read MoreAmerican Pondweed
American Pondweed has elliptical shaped floating leaves that are green and often have brown spots.
Read MoreFloating Leaf Pondweed
Floating leaf pondweed has long, narrow, stiff submersed leaves and two to four inch long floating leaves on long stalks.
Read MoreMarine Naiad
Marine naiad is a submerged plant with small brittle leaves that are stiff and toothed.
Read MoreParrot Feather
Parrot feather has feathered leaves that come above the water’s surface and can look like they are made of plastic.
Read MoreStarry Stonewort
Starry Stonewort resembles a submerged plant and can be identified by the little white stars amongst the gelatin-green branches.
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